Monday 31 May 2010

A New Pair Of Hands.

Or rather a new brain to provide a pleasant and slightly less metal-based alternative to the other posts here.

Okay, so, a general (yet still Anonymous) introduction:
Another teenager from Britain, living her life split between two equally dysfunctional households (the ins and outs of which will probably become apparent as my number of posts increase). I spend most of my time listening to obscure bands of varying genres (although I tend to stay away from many of my fellow writer's prefered bands, mainly because their song titles only serve to disturb me, or make me ponder if they're related to some unusual sexual fetish or not), reading books that generally aren't written for the supposedly innocent eyes of a girl my age, and worrying about the state of the modern world/exams/whether the cake I just put in the oven will rise evenly, or become a new type of Frisbee.

Now, despite the fact I should be up and about, making the most of half term, revising and seeing friends and whatnot, I will most likely spend the majority of today planning my next post, and watching whatever silly American programme finds itself on my TV, which is currently "Priveleged". I'm genuinely ashamed of myself. Time to do something productive I think....