Sunday 9 May 2010

Doing the iPod

No, not a dance where you see how compact, thin, sleek and shiny you can make yourself, but a bi-weekly (for me anyway) ritual in which one shuffles about the music on the ol’ iPod from an extensive (see previous post ‘A list of my music’) library.

You see, in my sad little world, I actually look forward to this with earnest, as it gives me a chance to shuffle about what I’ve to listen to over the next fortnight, and get a change from whatever I’ve been listening to over the last fortnight, as I very rarely have the foresight to put a mixture of metals on there, and very rarely anything else – right now I’m all grindcored out from 9 different Napalm Death albums, Genghis Tron, Insect Warfare, Nasum, Phobia, Pig Destroyer, Raw Noise (ok, so crust punk but whatever), and Rotten Sound.

So, I go painstakingly through my library, artist by artist, and pick out any albums which take my fancy, either ‘Ooh, I’m not quite sure what that sounds like’, ‘Ooh, that’s new’, ‘Ooh, I haven’t heard that in a while’ or ‘Ooh, that’s an awesome album, better put it on again’. This is a process which usually takes about 45 minutes, and is actually quite invigorating, believe it or not!

After this is done, I have to see whether my (8GB) iPod would be overfull from the playlist I’ve created or not, and if so, I have to unfortunately go through all the albums I’ve picked, and take some out. Bang, there goes another 15 minutes.

Right now, I feel like something proggy…

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