Monday 31 May 2010

Monday Morning Feelings

I desperately want my post headings to sound like 80s songs, much like many of my emails have subjects that sounds like they should be episode titles from "Scrubs". Call it part of my OCD, that doesn't care if my room is a mess (call it organised clutter if you must, but it really is a tip), but has to follow patterns for the most obscure things that only one or two other people will ever see.

Following on from Persona 101's earlier post, I feel that I need to write about prom. Now, our group of friends may not have been the most popular in the school over the past 5 years, in fact, we were almost certainly the outcasts, but that has never stopped us having fun, and Friday night was no exception. Sat around our table, oddly named "Main Hall" (I feel sorry for the table that got "Uniform"), we chatted and took pictures and ate a relatively good meal, considering they were catering for some rather fussy Year 11s (none of whom write this blog thankfully; did I mention that food is a passion of mine?).

Half a game of giant chess on the front lawn with two teachers who took the whole thing far too seriously, three large insect bites and some seriously good chocolate mousse later, everyone was on the "dancefloor", dancing to what can only be described as Year 6 disco music. I still think it's a shame that the mosh pits were broken up, but I don't think some of the girls would have appreciated having their marshmallowy dresses trampled on by a large group of sweaty, shouting people.

Friday night (or rather Saturday morning) was spent in the company of friends (minus one person who had to disappear off to Scotland, who we all missed a lot) watching Takeshi's Castle, Scrubs and South Park, and drinking vokda and pineapple juice, which progressively got stronger as my hands got less stready through the night.
As over-the-top as the whole event was, it was a lovely way to say goodbye to people that I may not see again, whether that be through choice or not.

I'm just glad I left school the way I came in: pale.

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