Friday 14 May 2010


No, not the (awesome) Napalm Death song, just another musing (hence the blog title) about my life, that only really feels to be starting now, as I enter my last few days of secondary school. Whilst the excitement in my year group is ubiquitous, I personally am incredibly nervous about the whole 'responsibility' thing; as I've never really had to work hard at school, and thus I'm now worried about how I'm going to be able to adjust.

So how am I coping? Stress is fine by me, I can just dismiss it with a flick of the switch. Haha. That's another thing I don't know - I've never really been stressed, and again, I'm worried about how I will cope.

Anyway, I thought I should note that I'm writing this from a school computer, after much difficulty, as according to my school's dumb firewall my own blog is pornographic. Yeah, because people get off on recounts of school politics. I had to sign in, then go to a post that doesn't exist, just in order to be able to access the 'New Post' button.

I've already finished RE, PE, IT, History, Food, Physics and Biology FOREVER, and have finished Maths for the year. I mean, I'm really glad to see the back of the sciences, and short course IT's just a joke, but I really enjoyed History over the last couple of years, due to my incredibly down-to-earth teacher, and I'm sad to finish it.

So now, I've just really got a series of exams to hurdle.

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