Monday 21 June 2010

Slamming the evangelists... or not

I think I'm suffering from acute pinch harmonia. Yes, after a period of not listening to music (due to the slight inconvenience of my eardrum bursting, and thus not being able to hear shit), I'm back to it, and what do I start with? Some third rate metalcore. Oh dear. Anyhow, I now actually feel like the holidays have started, despite having German and Food exams on Wednesday; this is probably because neither of the two really need further revision, I just get the joys of wasting about 4 hours in an exam room. But hey, at least I've learnt... something or other. I just hope I don't get the two mixed up and write recipes in German and go off on a tangential spiel (which is openly encouraged in languages writing exams), showcasing my opinions on religion in Food.

Ah yes, religion. I've been meaning to write about this for some time. The bottom line of my theological beliefs is atheism, but there is a side to me that desperately wants to believe in God, just because it would be one helluva ride. But being a logical man, I just can't believe in a deity. In fact, I had great fun in my secondary school RE classes arguing - and I think with decent arguments, not just argument for argument's sake - against everything we were being taught about the beliefs of various religions. I bet I gave my teacher a hard time!

However, that's not to say that I disrespect religious believers. Admittedly, some subsects (generally those who shove their opinions in your face - evangelists, mormons, Jehovah's witnesses etc.) do REALLY get under my skin, and I certainly don't respect their activities, but in general, I feel that those who can believe are lucky - religion must be such a helpful thing to get through one's life with. To me, it seems like it provides a light at the end of the tunnel for even the most distraught of sufferers - just look at the loyalty to Judaism of the holocaust victims!

What I do hate though, is when religious believers don't follow up on their religion. One of the main lessons of Christianity, for instance, is to treat others as you would have them treat you (Christian Aid is a wonderful charity), but there are so many who simply disregard that, and follow the selfish path in life, and ignore the plight of others. That they can call themselves Christian with a straight face is frankly diabolical - in both senses of the term.

I also respect minority religions, although some of the more 'cult' style ones are frankly ridiculous - Satanism, both anti-theistic and LaVeyan, is no more than a joke, and those who take it seriously should be firmly segregated from normal society, so they can produce their kvlt-kiddy bedroom black metal in peace. Oh dear Zarach, you are one for a good laugh. Other minority religions are fine, so long as they don't encourage inequality.

Well, I feel that I've summed up my views on religion in general pretty well, given how succinct all of this has been. As usual, any questions, or if you want me to explain something in more depth, please post a comment. It would make me feel popular.

Persona 101

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