Monday 7 June 2010

Morning glory

Exam mornings bring forth mixed emotions. Sure, this morning is the morning of my maths exam, which should be a breeze (maths being my forte), but there are still some undeniable nerves. What if this? What if that? What if I fall off my chair in the middle of the exam, scream some vulgarity very loudly, and thus lose all my marks in the subject? What if some strange force takes over my mind, and causes me to decide to bring a phone into the exam room? What if I get questions wrong?

Of course, aside from the final possibility, which I shall try to keep in moderation, these are all exceedingly unlikely events. As I've had the best part of my life to practise, sitting on chairs without falling off should bring no great difficulty (although will be the hardest part of my ICT short course multiple choice exam), and I'd like to think I have the nonce to leave my phone outside of the annoyingly expansive hall when sitting the paper.

So, in preparation for this maths exam, I've been revising History. Again. Having decided that Gavrilo Princip did indeed murder Franz Ferdinand of his own free will, and that it wasn't, in fact, a great conspiracy with America in an attempt to weaken the general European economy and thus strengthen the American one. For the purpose of the exam, anyhow. I don't doubt that I shall find evidence later in life that Congress were in contact with Princip, and I will consequently write a book on my theory that sells millions and makes me rich rich rich. Or not.

So, listening to some 'funky' music a friend linked me to over Facebook, which is in fact what seems to be a god-awful recreation of a Pokemon tune. Never mind. Slap on some Esoteric and, in the words of the timeless Arby N The Chief 'dun wry arbitur. its k'. Yeah, some phat beats right there.

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