Tuesday 20 April 2010


It has come to that time in my life where I must face the first key examinations I am to sit, although I have already taken modular exams in one or two subjects. So what am I doing about it? Currently, I'm sitting here, trying my best to delay the inevitable revision I must do at some point this evening by writing this and attempting to convince myself that I'm practicing my English skills. Oh, what a wonderful peaceful world I live in.

Anyhow, it's occured to me that my blissful respite from key examinations that has been the story of my life so far is now to end until I leave university. This year? GCSEs. Next? AS Levels. After that, A Levels themselves. Then, assuming I do well enough to get into university, I will have to take yearly examinations to prove I'm keeping up. Taking into account my high aspirations for myself meaning I may not leave university until I have several postgraduate qualifications, I could still be in university in ten years time, at the age of 26. A decade of drudgery lies ahead of me. It seems like the 2010s will be a decade for me to forget.

But of course, my school years are the best of my life! No wonder so many middle aged people decide to end it all. Nonetheless, I try my best to enjoy myself, and I recommend anyone else to follow suit. It isn't a bad life, unless you choose it to be, or you have extreme circumstances. But for most MEDC dwellers, this quite literally is 'the life' and if one listens to many environmental doomsayers, our generation could well be the last to experience it!

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